You are trying to use Associative Array as input for << Stack. You can get the values from associative array by using << Get Values. (thought un this case it might be better to use list).
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = New Table("",
Add Rows(1),
New Column("FINAL_RESULT", Character, Nominal, Values({"TEST1_TEST2_TEST3"}))
num_columns = 3;
col_names = {};
For(i = 1, i <= num_columns, i++,
col_name = Char(400 + (i - 1) * 100);
new_col = dt << New Column(col_name, Character, Nominal, formula(Word(i, :FINAL_RESULT, "_"), ""));
Insert Into(col_names, new_col << get name);
stacktable = dt << Stack(
// Columns(col_names << get values), // if using associative array
Source Label Column("Label"),
Stacked Data Column("Data"),
Output Table("stacktable")