If you build the parallel plot by hand and check the script
Graph Builder(
Size(490, 448),
Show Control Panel(0),
X(:X__2, Position(1)),
X(:X__3, Position(1)),
X(:X__4, Position(1)),
X(:X__5, Position(1))
Elements(Parallel(X(1), X(2), X(3), X(4), X(5), Legend(18)))
and then compare it to your script (build it and then get script from red triangle menu)
Graph Builder(
Size(1854, 917),
Show Control Panel(0),
X(:X__2, Position(1)),
X(:X__3, Position(1)),
X(:X__4, Position(1)),
X(:X__5, Position(1))
Points(X(1), X(2), X(3), X(4), X(5), Legend(5)),
Parallel(Legend(4), Combine Sets(1))
There are few big differences: you still have points left and you only haven't defined X() in your script.
If this is what you wish to do, I would suggest building the graph builder expression and not using << Add Variable and << Add Element as it can be easier
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = Current Data Table();
colnames = dt << get column names("character");
Remove From(colnames, N Items(colnames));
Remove From(colnames, 1);
variables_expr = Expr(Variables(X(:X__1)));
parallel_expr = Expr(Parallel(X(1)));
For Each({colname, idx}, colnames,
xpart = EvalExpr(X(Expr(NameExpr(AsColumn(dt, colname))), Position(1)));
Insert Into(variables_expr, Name Expr(xpart));
Insert Into(parallel_expr, Name Expr(X(Expr(idx + 1))));
Insert Into(parallel_expr, Name Expr(Legend(18)));
elements_expr = Expr(Elements());
InsertInto(elements_expr, NameExpr(parallel_expr));
gb = Eval(Substitute(
Expr(dt << Graph Builder(
Size(1854, 917),
Show control Panel(0),
Expr(_variables_), Name Expr(variables_expr),
Expr(_elements_), Name Expr(elements_expr)