I am becoming familiar. lol
Here is the block of code. It is used to create a pdf that charts the data in time vs voltage. tHIGH is normal operating speed and tHIGH_hs is the high speed operating data. I can isolate the high speed data by changing the code to "tHIGH_hs", and did in another section of the script.
I'm trying to get just the normal operating speed data for this section.
// set up for AC report
win1 = New Window( "Char Report_NS" );
// real spec is 1000KHz
// data table, scale of desired units, by, name, lsl, usl
get_generic( RawDataTable, "V", "Frequency", "fSCL", , 1.7 );
// tHigh = 260nS, tLow = 500nS
// rewrite -- maybe a generic for each??
//get_thighlow(RawDataTable,"nS","tHIGH",260,"tLOW",500) ; // data table, scale of desired units,
// name1, USL1, name2, USL2
get_generic( RawDataTable, "nS", "Voltage", "tHIGH", , 400 );
get_generic( RawDataTable, "nS", "Voltage", "tLOW", , 400 );
I left in all of the previously commented out code.