You can easily do what you want, by just building a table where you match up the serial number with it's ranking
40041 |
4 |
40042 |
3 |
40043 |
2 |
40044 |
1 |
33151 |
4 |
33152 |
3 |
33153 |
2 |
Then, what you do is read in that table.
Next take your questions data table and stack all 90 questions using
This will create a new table with a column called Label and one called Data. Label will contain the column name from the original table, and Data will contain the serial number.
Then what you do, is to use
to put the stacked question data together with the ranks data. If you indicate to the Join platform to match the Serial Number column from the ranks data table, with the Data column in the stacked table, JMP will create a new table with the data matched up.
Now all you have to do is to use
to transform the newly joined table back into the original shaped data table. You will end up with a data table with both the original serial number and the ranks data