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How do I import data from excel?

Hello everybody,

 I've just begun to use JMP. I'm using JMP on  Windows. I'm trying to import my data from an Excel table, but I don't know why JMP treat numbers as characters, this way I can't handle that variables as continuos.
Does anyone know how to solve that problem?
Thank you in advance for your consideration

Super User

Re: How do I import data from excel?

By default, to determine if a column should be read in as numeric, JMP reads down a column testing that values in a column are either numeric of character.  Only if no non numeric values are found, does JMP read in the column as numeric.  However, this is not really a problem.  Once the column is in JMP, it is easy to convert the column to numeric.  Just go to the Column Info screen and change the data type and modeling type to Numeric, Continuous.  JMP will then convert all rows to numeric, setting all rows that are not numeric values to a missing value.


What method are you using to import the data?

Have you go through the document "Discovering JMP" under the Help pull down menu?

What version of JMP are you using?

Could you attach a sample Excel file to aid in solving your issue?


Re: How do I import data from excel?

Thanks for the kind response,

 For importing data I've copied the my Excel table and pasted in JMP. I actually already tried to substitute the data type from the coloumn info screen to numeric, continuos. What happened is that all my data become dots. I can attach you an exemple of my data in Excel. I'm using the trial versione of JMP 16. 
Thank you for your consideration

Super User

Re: How do I import data from excel?

I simply copied the data from your Excel data table


Opened a a new data table 

     File=>New=>Data Table


And then go to

     Edit=>Paste with Column Names


Is this what you need?





Re: How do I import data from excel?

Yes, I don't know why with other columns of my table it didn't work, but I don't know why know I've managed to make it work.
Many thanks for your help