There are some differences between how you use Jim's script and the column formula.
- The column formula makes a new column based on the old data. If new rows are added, the formula runs automatically to convert the date values. The old data column can't be deleted unless the formula is removed first.
- The script is run once, from a script editor. Jim's script converts the column in place, changing the number from the original representation to a JMP date-time representation. If more data is added after the script is run, it should be added using the JMP date-time format the column expects.
I think the question you might want answered is "how did I get these dates JMP doesn't like, and what would a better approach be?"
When you imported this data into JMP, possibly from a CSV file, or when you typed it in to a fresh table, JMP saw a number and made a numeric column. To make JMP see a date in 20180315 rather than 20,180,315 you need to tell JMP to interpret the data as yyyymmdd format. You can do that with the column proerties in a data table and specify both the informat and the format.
informat yyyymmdd format monddyyyy
Input Format available after choosing Format
If you are using text file import to get the data from a CSV file, you can also specify a format for the column using the red triangle above the column on the second page of the preview wizard.
Text import preview wizard second page
Finally, JMP's date-time values are represented as the number of seconds since 1Jan1904. has a lot more information. If you see a huge number that makes no sense, it probably needs a format. You can change the output format, showing 03 or Mar, since the internal representation stays the same.