I have these two graphs that I'm saving as seperatly as PNG, but would like to save both graphs as one image. Is that possible?
I'm using version 18.0.1.
gb1 = Graph Builder(
Size(879, 689),
Show Control Panel(0),
Grid Color("Black"),
Variables(X(:SiteX), Y(:SiteY), Wrap(:Wafer), Color(:BDO_P1P2)),
Elements(Heatmap(X, Y, Legend(44), Label("Label by Value"))),
Local Data Filter(Close Outline(1)),
Dispatch({}, "SiteX", ScaleBox, {Label Row(Show Major Grid(1))}),
Dispatch({}, "SiteY", ScaleBox, {Label Row(Show Major Grid(1))}),
Dispatch({}, "400", ScaleBox,
{Legend Model(
Properties(-1, {Fill Color(32)}, Item ID("01", 1)),
Properties(-1, {Fill Color(32)}, Item ID("02", 1)),
Properties(-1, {Fill Color(32)}, Item ID("03", 1)),
Properties(-1, {Fill Color(32)}, Item ID("04", 1)),
Properties(-1, {Fill Color(32)}, Item ID("05", 1)),
Properties(-1, {Fill Color(32)}, Item ID("06", 1)),
Properties(-1, {Fill Color(32)}, Item ID("07", 1)),
Properties(-1, {Fill Color(32)}, Item ID("08", 1)),
Properties(-1, {Fill Color(32)}, Item ID("09", 1)),
Properties(-1, {Fill Color(32)}, Item ID("10", 1)),
Properties(-1, {Fill Color(32)}, Item ID("11", 1)),
Properties(-1, {Fill Color(32)}, Item ID("12", 1)),
Properties(-1, {Fill Color(32)}, Item ID("13", 1)),
Properties(-1, {Fill Color(32)}, Item ID("14", 1)),
Properties(-1, {Fill Color(32)}, Item ID("15", 1)),
Properties(-1, {Fill Color(32)}, Item ID("16", 1))
Dispatch({}, "graph title", TextEditBox, {Set Text("Notch up")}),
Dispatch({}, "X title", TextEditBox, {Set Text("X position")}),
Dispatch({}, "Y title", TextEditBox, {Set Text("Y position")}),
Dispatch({}, "Graph Builder", FrameBox,
{DispatchSeg(RectSeg(1), {Line Width(1), Line Width(1)})}
Dispatch({}, "Graph Builder", FrameBox(2),
{DispatchSeg(RectSeg(1), {Line Width(1), Line Width(1)})}
Dispatch({}, "Graph Builder", FrameBox(3),
{DispatchSeg(RectSeg(1), {Line Width(1), Line Width(1)})}
Dispatch({}, "Graph Builder", FrameBox(4),
{DispatchSeg(RectSeg(1), {Line Width(1), Line Width(1)})}
Dispatch({}, "Graph Builder", FrameBox(5),
{DispatchSeg(RectSeg(1), {Line Width(1), Line Width(1)})}
Dispatch({}, "400", LegendBox, {Set Title("Value")})
filePath = subDir1 || "\BDO_P1P2.png";
gb1 << Save Picture(filePath, "png");
gb2 = Graph Builder(
Size(858, 639),
Show Control Panel(0),
Show Legend(0),
Variables(X(:Wafer), Y(:BDO_P1P2)),
Elements(Points(X, Y, Legend(43))),
Dispatch({}, "Wafer", ScaleBox, {Label Row(Show Major Grid(1))}),
Dispatch({}, "BDO_P1P2", ScaleBox,
{Min(10), Max(60), Inc(5), Minor Ticks(0),
Add Ref Line(39, "Dashed", "Blue", "Spec Upper Limit", 1),
Add Ref Line(26, "Dashed", "Blue", "Spec Lower Limit", 1),
Add Ref Line(30.9, "Dashed", "Green", "Spec Target", 1),
Label Row(Show Major Grid(1))}
Dispatch({}, "graph title", TextEditBox, {Set Text("")})
filePath = subDir1 || "\BDO_P1P2_Trend.png";
gb2 << Save Picture(filePath, "png");