I am creating bunch of variability plots in a for loop and saving each plot with a unique name using the code below. However, I want to either be able to 1) add a current time stamp (when script runs) to each of these plots or 2) instead of displaying date on each plot, just save a seperate jpeg file that just has date time stamp. Can anyone suggest how can I do that.
dt = Current Data Table();
dt << New Column( "OVER_UNDER", character, nominal, formula( :MEASURED LAYER || "_" || :UNDER LAYER ) );
overunder = Associative Array( dt:OVER_UNDER << Get Values ) << Get Keys;
Create Directory( "\\drive location\folder" );
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( overunder ), i++,
win = New Window( "window",
var = dt << Variability Chart(
Y( :VALUE ),
Connect Cell Means( 1 ),
Std Dev Chart( 0 ),
Points Jittered( 1 ),
AIAG Labels( 0 ),
Where( :OVER_UNDER == overunder[i] ),
{"Variability Chart for VALUE"},
"Variability Chart",
{Row Legend(
:Current Tool,
Color( 1 ),
Color Theme( "JMP Default" ),
Marker( 0 ),
Marker Theme( "" ),
Continuous Scale( 0 ),
Reverse Scale( 0 ),
Excluded Rows( 0 )
win << save picture( "\\share drive\folder\" || overunder[i] || "_SPC.jpeg", "jpeg" );
win << close window;