Hello, everyone!
The Y curve is the sum of the other three curves.
Specific formula is: Y = Max + mid + min + 10
If only know Y, I need to restore the three curves of "Max", "mid" and "min".
I've looked it up and it looks like I can do it with the Fourier transform.
I would like to ask if there is a corresponding module with JMP to achieve this restore.
The excel formula of the other three curves is:
Thank markbailey!
JMP is very powerful and I use very little of it.
I am just beginning to learn in this area.It's not so simple to switch to real data:
I tried FFT, FIT model, and time series.
I didn't turn on the right approach,
The trouble experts continued to guide me.
Thanks Experts!
According to Craige FFT analysis, the real curve should be divided into more curves.
I don't know how to adjust the parameters with the FIT model.
Time Series