The example that I provided will open a sample data table called Semiconductor Capability, which happens to have something like 132 column. It will then reorder the columns in a descending alphabetical order. You will be able to observe the end result by clicking on the window for the data table.
To actually run the script, all you need to do, is to cut an paste the script from my response to a script window. And then run the script. To do this just
Go to
File=>New=>JSL Script
Right Click on the first line on the script and then select Paste
The script will be displayed in the script window.
Then to run the script, either click on the Icon with the green Run JSL triangle in the JSL tool bar at the top of the JMP window or Right Click anywhere on the script and select Run Script.
A very minor change to the script can set it up so that when ever it is run, it will do the reodering for whatever data table is the current active data table.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Current Data Table();
colNameList = dt << get column names( string );
colNameList = Reverse( Sort List( colNameList ) );
dt << move selected columns( colNameList );
If you want, this script can be added as a new tool on the tool bar that will set it up to run whenever the tool is clicked on. You can read up on how to do that under the JMP Help