I have a table that has ~ 4,000,000 rows of data that include a very large variety of test conditions. I use the Explore Outlier function within JMP to change cell values that meet the outlier criteria to missing. I then want to take the row column id associated with the missing values and exclude them from the main data set. I have tried Get Rows Where( Is Missing( :col ) but i can't figure a way to effectively translate it to the main table. This is the best i can come up with at this moment. Any and all help is always appreciated.
Try( If( Is Scriptable( dt_screen ), Close( dt_Screen, No Save ) ) );
Current Data Table( ::dt_testdata );
::dt_testdata = Current Data Table();
input_1 = {8, 8.25, 8.5, 8.75, 9, 9.25, 9.5, 9.75, 10, 10.25, 10.5, 10.75, 11, 14.75, 15, 15.25, 15.5, 15.75, 16, 16.25, 16.5, 16.75, 17, 17.25, 17.5, 17.75};
setid = {1100};
i = 1;
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( setid ), i++,
id = setid[i];
dt_Screen = New Table( "Screened" );
For( j = 1, j <= N Items( input_1 ), j++,
input_2 = input_1[j];
a = ::dt_testdata << Get Rows Where( :set_id == id & :teststate == "6" & :Input == input_2 );
If( j == 1,
b = Column(::dt_testdata, "wafer_number")[a];
Wait( 0 );
c = Column(::dt_testdata, "part_number")[a];
Wait( 0 );
d = Column(::dt_testdata, "channel")[a];
Wait( 0 );
e = Column(::dt_testdata, "RowCol_Chnl_PartNo" )[a];
Wait( 0 );
dt_Screen << New Column( "wafer_number", Character, Values( b ) );
Wait( 0 );
dt_Screen << New Column( "part_number", Character, Values( c) );
Wait( 0 );
dt_Screen << New Column( "channel", Character, Values( d ) );
Wait( 0 );
dt_Screen << New Column( "RowCol_Chnl_PartNo", Character, Values( e ) );
f = Column( ::dt_testdata, Eval( "Output" ) )[a];
Wait( 0 );
dt_Screen << New Column( Eval Insert( "Output @ ^input_2^"), Numeric, Values( f ) );
colsToScreen = dt_Screen << Get Column Names( Numeric );
Show( colsToScreen );
z = 1;
For( z = 1, z <= N Items( colsToScreen ), z++,
cols = Char( colsToScreen[z] );
test = colsToScreen[z];
eo = dt_Screen << Explore Outliers(
Y( Column( cols ) ),
K Sigma( 3 ),
Robust Fit Outliers( 1 ),
Show Only Columns With Outliers( 1 ),
eoRep = Report( eo );
table = eoRep[Table Box( 1 )];
colListEO = eoRep[String Col Box( 1 )];
nCols = N Items( colListEO << get );
For( c = 1, c <= nCols, c++,
CMD = Expr(
table << Set Selected Rows( {colTBD} )
Substitute Into( CMD, Expr( colTBD ), Eval( c ) );
eo << ColorCells( 1 );
eo << ChangeToMissing( 1 );
b = 1;
For( b = 2, b <= N Items( colsToScreen ), b++,
cols = colsToScreen[b];
RowColToDelete = dt_screen << Get Rows Where( Is Missing( cols ) );
c = 1;
For( c = 1, c <= N Items( RowColToDelete ), c++,
row = RowColToDelete[c];
::dt_testdata << Select Where( :RowCol_Chnl_PartNo == row ) << Hide( 1 ) << Exclude( 1 );
Wait( 0 );