The primary issue is that your data needs to be in a slightly different format. Your data has the data for the different years in 2 separate columns, even though what is being measured is the same thing. To get the data into one column for the measurement, and a second column to specify which year, all that has to be done is to stack the columns. Go to:
Specify in the dialog box that appears, which columns to stack
For clarity, I changed the default name of the new stacked column that will contain the data, from "Data" to "PM2.5", and the column that will indicate which of the stacking column the PM2.5 data came from, as "Year". Below is the result of the stack:
Now the data can be analyzed. The platform to use for this is the Fit Y by X platform.
Analyze==>Fit Y by X
In the dialog box that appears, simply place the PM2.5 column in the Y Response selection box, and the Year column in the X Factor selection box and then click on the OK button
JMP first produces a graph to help in the understanding of the relationship. To request a t-test, which would be the appropriate test for what you are asking, simply click on the red triangle at the top left of the graph and select the t-test option
The t-test results will be added to the current graphical display
The two groups are statistically different with less than a .0001 probability of being in error.
If you look under the red triangle, you will see many other items you may want to add to your display
I suggest you take a look at the JMP documentation provided when you installed JMP:
I recommend you look at the Discovering JMP book and the Using JMP Book