Thanks for your repose. I still need some details please
1- I did what you said and indeed I got Prob columns, one for each catagory of the outcome variable ( it seems that this is the probablity of that outcome to happen), I also got Lin columns for each outcome (except ref outcome) not sure how Lin is helpful. Table> summery gives me the mean indeed but how do I compute odds ration from it ?. even If i get it, it seems to me this would be looking at all predictors together. In binary logistic regression JMP gives me odds ratio for each predictor with it is P value and confidence interval. how can I get this in Multinominal regression ?
2- I see other poeple working on same/similar databases using Generlized Estimating Equations (GEE) to adjust for clusting in their regression models. Please correct me if I'm wrong but I know that JMP doesnt run GEE. is adding varaibles suspected of clustering (like facility type or hospital ..) to the model have the same function/effect of GEE here ? if yes why do many others bother with GEE then ? also is there anything else I can do in JMP that has similar function to GEE in clustering correction ?
I'm using is JMP Pro 13.2.0. Thanks again. I really appreciate it !