nHi All,
I'm looking at some goodness of fit results. While the Shapiro-Wilkes results have some (sparse) documentation, the Komologorov-Smirnov-Lilliefors test seems to have a different form and no documentation. A quick search shows nothing on the forum either; and google is quite quiet on the subject.
My results are:
For a Normal Distribution:
D Prob > D
0.3752777 < 0.0100*
I do not believe that this is a normal distribution. Can I reject the Null Hypothesis as D > alpha?
Why is Prob > D significant - does this just mean the test result is not likely as a random occurence?
For the LogNormal Distribution.
D Prob > D
0.030143 < 0.0100*
This is close to a Log Normal Distribution - it is mostly within the limits on the Normal quantile plot but wanders a little at the ends. As D is now less than alpha; does this mean that it fits a log Normal distribution?
FYI, There are ~159k data points.
The best link I can find on the subject is http://homepages.cae.wisc.edu/’1e642/content/Techniq ues/KS-Test.htm, which is what I am basing my assumptions on.
Thanks for any further information you can provide,