I am trying to create a column that labels a pair of points
as falling into category “I”, “II”, “III”, or “IV”. The pair of points is
based off of two columns, and some cells have missing values. I am
certain my code is logically correct. Can anyone help me find a working solution?
Below are several of my JSL attempts:
For Each Row(Assign(:Quadrant_Running = If(Is
Missing(:Running_Y), Continue(), Is Missing(:Running_X), Continue(), If(:Running_Y
>= 3 & :Running_X >= 3, "I", If(:Running_Y > 3 &
:Running_X < 3, "II", If(:Running_Y < 3 & :Running_X <
3, "III", "IV"))))))
For Each Row(Assign(:Quadrant_Running = If(Is
Missing(:Running_Y), Continue(), Is Missing(:Running_X), Continue(), :Running_Y
>= 3 & :Running_X >= 3, "I", :Running_Y > 3 &
:Running_X < 3, "II", :Running_Y < 3 & :Running_X <
3, "III", "IV"))
I have also attempted using a conditional “Or” : If(Is
Missing(:Running_Y)|Is Missing(:Running_X), Continue())
And also: If(Is Missing(:Running_Y|:Running_X),
Thanks for any assistance!!!