Hi @RandomWeasel541,
@Ben_BarrIngh gave you a great explanation about the error message you have received. Using a continuous variable as "X, Grouping" section of the MSA platform may not make any sense, as you could end up having a lot of different groups with no repetitions, preventing from analyzing the repeatability and/or reproducibility of your experimental process.
Instead of using directly this continuous variable as a grouping variable, you could :
- Transform it into a discrete numeric/nominal/ordinal variable if the number of levels is low enought to enable the estimation of repeatability and/or reproductibility of your process in the MSA platform,
- Create a binning formula of your continuous variable to reduce the number of possible levels to only few ordered ordinal/nominal levels.
Hope these suggestions make sense for your process,
"It is not unusual for a well-designed experiment to analyze itself" (Box, Hunter and Hunter)