Here's some starter JSL.
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
oldselection = [];// don't update when nothing changes by comparing old to new
f = Function( {a}, // this callback tells which points are changing selected state
// and may send between 1 and N row numbers in the matrix a.
// this example will ignore a and just ask the table about the range of the currently
// selected points.
{subset, hmin, hmax, wmin, wmax, newselection}, // local variables
newselection = dt << getselectedrows; // compare to previous selection...
If( Try( N Rows( newselection ) != N Rows( oldselection ) | Any( newselection != oldselection ), 1 ),
oldselection = newselection; // remember the new selection for next time
dtSubset = dt << subset( SelctedRows( 1 ), LinkToOriginalDataTable( 1 ), invisible ); // make a subset of the selection to summarize
dtSummary = dtSubset << Summary( Min( :height ), Min( :weight ), Max( :height ), Max( :weight ), Freq( "None" ), Weight( "None" ) );
Close( dtSubset, "nosave" ); // done with the subset, use the summary...
hmin = dtSummary:name( "Min(Height)" )[1]; // capture the range of the selected axis
hmax = dtSummary:name( "Max(Height)" )[1];
wmin = dtSummary:name( "Min(Weight)" )[1];
wmax = dtSummary:name( "Max(Weight)" )[1];
Close( dtSummary, "nosave" ); // done with the summary, use the captured values...
// remove 2 old reflines first, from each axis, then add 2 new ones
// remove the old ref lines from the weight axis (1==horizontal)
Report( gb )[axisbox( 1 )] << removerefline( (Report( gb )[axisbox( 1 )] << getscript)["addrefline"] );
Report( gb )[axisbox( 1 )] << removerefline( (Report( gb )[axisbox( 1 )] << getscript)["addrefline"] );
// remove the old ref lines from the height axis (2==vertical)
Report( gb )[axisbox( 2 )] << removerefline( (Report( gb )[axisbox( 2 )] << getscript)["addrefline"] );
Report( gb )[axisbox( 2 )] << removerefline( (Report( gb )[axisbox( 2 )] << getscript)["addrefline"] );
// add the new ref lines...extend the bounding box by .5 for the integer height/weight (not required)
Report( gb )[axisbox( 1 )] << addrefline( wmin - .5, "solid", "red", "a", 2 );
Report( gb )[axisbox( 1 )] << addrefline( wmax + .5, "solid", "green", "b", 2 );
Report( gb )[axisbox( 2 )] << addrefline( hmin - .5, "solid", "blue", "c", 1 );
Report( gb )[axisbox( 2 )] << addrefline( hmax + .5, "solid", "black", "d", 1 );
rs = dt << make row state handler( f );
gb = Graph Builder(
Size( 416, 300 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Show Legend( 0 ),
Variables( X( :weight ), Y( :height ) ),
Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 3 ) ) ),
SendToReport( Dispatch( {}, "Graph Builder", OutlineBox, {Set Title( "" )} ), Dispatch( {}, "graph title", TextEditBox, {Set Text( "Demo" )} ) )
The JSL installs a RowState handler function in the data table; that function is notified when the table's row state data changes (when a row is selected/hidden/excluded, or the marker style or color changes.) The function calculates the min and max values of the selected columns and removes old ref lines and adds new ref lines.
The a-b-c-d ref lines are interactively tracking the rectangular point selection
It flashes as it updates because the display redraws when each refline is added or removed; it may get too slow with large data that takes too long to redraw the graph.