Mode is not available in Tabulate, however it is available in Distribution, and with a little JSL, it can be added to your Tabulate table. All it takes is to precalculate the MODE and then add it as a new column into your data table.
The missing values are because for those heights, multiple mode values were found.
Here is the JSL
names default to here(1);
dis = dt << Distribution(invisible,
Continuous Distribution(
Column( :height ),
Customize Summary Statistics( Mode( 1 ) )
dtstats = report(dis[1])["Summary Statistics"][TableBox(1)]<<make combined data table(invisible);
dis << close window;
dtstats << select where(:Column 1 != "Mode");
dtstats << delete rows;
dtstats << delete columns({"Y","Column 1"});
dtstats:Column 2 << set name ("Mode");
dtstats:age << data type(numeric)<<modeling type(ordinal);
dt << Update(
With( dtstats ),
Match Columns( :age = :age )
close( dtstats, nosave );
dt << Tabulate(
Change Item Label( Statistics( Mean, "height" ) ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Add Table(
Column Table( Statistics( Mean ), Analysis Columns( :height ) ),
Column Table( Statistics( Std Dev ), Analysis Columns( :height ) ),
Column Table( Analysis Columns( :Mode ), Statistics( Mean ) ),
Row Table( Grouping Columns( :age ) )