Hello JMP Community,
I am new to JMP. I have a doubt. So below attached is my code, When I select combo box button and select a shape and click ok then a new window should pop up by only highlighting required columns. for example, if I select L-shape from ShapeChoice, the new window should pop up with all the given HL,VL,HH, VH, BL,UL, etc.. but only give the option to input the values only for HL,HW,HH,VL,VW,and VH.Can you please help me out. Thank you in advance.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dlg = New Window("Dimensions",
<<Return Result,
V list Box(
Text Box(" "),
Text Box("Please select the units information: " ),
ComboChoice = RadioBox({"Ft","m"}),
ShapeChoice = Combobox({"Rectangle/Square", "L-Shape", "U-Shape", "Oval"}),
Text Box(""),
V list box(
Text Box("Please enter the following information: " ),
Text Box("Horizontal Length"),hl_box = Number Edit Box(0),
Text box("Horizontal Width"), hw_box = Number Edit Box(0),
Text Box("Horizontal Height"), hh_box = Number Edit Box(0),
Text box("Vertical Length"),vl_box = Number Edit Box(0),
Text Box("Vertical Width"), vw_box = Number Edit Box(0),
Text Box("Vertical Height"),vh_box = Number Edit Box(0),
Text box("Bottom Length"),bl_box = Number Edit box(0),
Text Box("Bottom Width"), bw_box = Number Edit Box(0),
Text Box("Bottom Height"), bh_box = Number Edit Box(0),
Text box("upper Length"),ul_box = Number Edit box(0),
Text Box("upper Width"), uw_box = Number Edit Box(0),
Text Box("upper Height"), uh_box = Number Edit Box(0),
H List Box(
Button Box("Ok",
ShapeChoice = ShapeChoice << Get;
ComboChoice = ComboChoice << Get;
hl = hl_box << Get;
hw = hw_box << Get;
hh = hh_box << Get;
vl = vl_box << Get;
vw = vw_box << Get;
vh = vh_box << Get;
bl = bl_box << Get;
bw = bw_box << Get;
bh = bh_box << Get;
ul = ul_box << Get;
uw = uw_box << Get;
uh = uh_box << Get;
Button Box("Cancel"),