You are only getting the reference to first graph with
You could get all the references and then loop over them or then possibly use Xpath (not sure how to get all axis references without it in a list when using just DisplayBoxes) and set them all at the same time. Something like this could work:
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Reliability/");
gb = dt << Graph Builder(
Size(534, 956),
Show Control Panel(0),
Variables(X(:Time), Y(:Exponential), Page(:Censor)),
Elements(Points(X, Y, Legend(8)), Smoother(X, Y, Legend(9))),
SendToReport(Dispatch({}, "Exponential", ScaleBox, {Format("Best", 9)}))
rep = Report(gb) << XPath("//AxisBox");
rep = rep[2::N Items(rep)::2]; //get every other value
rep << {Scale("Log"), Minor Ticks(1), Show Major Grid(1)};
Understanding the Xpath and "matrix operation" are quite critical here, and I suggest playing around with them a bit to understand what is going on.