There is not a builtin platform that will do a join with fuzzy matching as you have stated what you need. However, JSL can be used to get what you need.
Here is a rough example of one way to script your request
Names Default To Here( 1 );
// Create sample data tables
dt1 = New Table( "Data Table 1",
Add Rows( 100 ),
New Column( "DateTime",
Format( "m/d/y h:m", 19 ),
Input Format( "m/d/y h:m" ),
Formula( Today() + Row() * In Minutes( 5 ) ),
Set Selected
dt1 << run formulas;
dt1:DateTime << delete formula;
dt2 = dt1 << Subset(
Sampling Rate( 0.25 ),
Selected columns only( 0 ),
output table name( "Data Table 2" ),
link to original table( 0 )
Current Data Table( dt2 );
For Each Row( :DateTime = :DateTime + In Minutes( Random Uniform( -100, 100 ) ) );
dt2 << sort( by( :DateTime ), order( ascending ), replace table( 1 ) );
// Create a column in data table 1 for reference
dt1 << New Column( "RowNum", formula( Row() ) );
dt1:RowNum << delete formula;
// Create in data table 2 a column that will hold the row to join to
dt2 << New Column( "Match Row" );
// Loop through data table 2 and find the rows in the first table that match
For( i = 1, i <= N Rows( dt2 ), i++,
checkVal = dt2:DateTime[i];
theRows = dt1 << get rows where(
:Datetime > checkVal - In Minutes( 5 ) & :DateTime < checkVal + In Minutes( 5 )
If( N Rows( theRows ) > 0,
minList = {};
For( k = 1, k <= N Rows( theRows ), k++,
Insert Into( minList, Abs( dt1:DateTime[theRows[k]] - checkVal ) )
dt2:Match Row[i] = theRows[Loc( minList, Min( minList ) )];
dt2:Match Row[i] = 0
// Join the tables
dt3 = dt1 << Join(
With( dt2 ),
Merge Same Name Columns,
By Matching Columns( :RowNum = :Match Row ),
Drop multiples( 0, 0 ),
Include Nonmatches( 1, 1 ),
Preserve main table order( 1 ),
output table name("Final Table")