The date or date/time formats that JMP recognizes appears to differ among localizations (of JMP or OS). For example, formats with "/" and ":" as in PMros' example, does not work on my computer (English JMP10, Swedish Mac OS X).
The below examples illustrate some of the caveats. The first is not recognised, while the second with hyphens and dots works as expected (but here requiring a "double substitute").
The third and fourth examples illustrate potential date ambiguity: without a format argument JMP assumes m/d/y, which may or may not be incorrect depending on the data source.
What's the best scripting practice to deal with this date format mess?
t = "12.10.2012 10:22:31";
date1 = Informat( Substitute( t, ".", "/" ), "d/m/y h:m:s" );
date2 = Informat( Substitute( Substitute( t, ".", "-" ), ":","."), "d-m-y h.m.s" );
date3 = Informat( Substr( Substitute( t, ".", "-" ), 1, 10 ), );
date4 = Informat( Substr( Substitute( t, ".", "-" ), 1, 10 ), "d-m-y" );
Show(date1, date2, date3, date4 );
date1 = .;
date2 = 12Oct2012:10:22:31;
date3 = 10Dec2012;
date4 = 12Oct2012;