Is there any way to force stacking of control charts using "by variables" as shown in the example below? Weirdly, when applied to my original table (not anonymized), the control charts appear all in one, horizontal row with a long, long scroll bar. I want what is shown below. Possible?
Hi @Ressel,
When I use control chart builder (v18) and use 'New Y chart' and select all of the columns they stack similar to what you have described (minus the unique grey 'headers') - is that what you're looking for? I've attached the data table with the script to recreate it.
What version are you on? Are you hoping for a scripted solution or manual?
Thanks! Yet, I forgot to mention that my table is stacked. Think of the same QC test sample measured in association with different products. So, I can't use the "New Y Chart button", unless the table is split, which I don't want to do. I want one control chart per product type A, B and C.
Product | QC check sample result |
A | 0,22 |
A | 0,06 |
B | 0,94 |
B | 0,10 |
B | 0,07 |
C | 0,11 |
C | 0,59 |
C | 0,21 |
C | 0,82 |
@Ressel , got you. In that case, you can go directly to the IMR chart option in the sub-menu then use the 'By' option to create individual stacked charts. It comes out stacked as default for me.
Yes, that's the approach I've been using, but doesn't work on my non-anonymized table. That's why I want to know whether this can be forced. Can it?
Since there's a difference between my anonymized and non-anonymized tables, perhaps the issue is related to string length of the process names or something?