Hi Ahmed - we have had requests for "sticky" filter layouts (and similarly for Column Switcher as well). One workaround is to put the filter and reports in separate ScrollBox() containers. In this example I made the boxes scroll in the vertical direction only. If you have very wide reports, the second ScrollBox may need to scroll in both directions.
Hope this helps!
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
New Window( "scroll filter",
Data Filter Context Box(
H List Box(
V Scroll Box(
Size( 500 ),
<<Set Auto Stretching( 1, 1 ),
dt << Data Filter( Local, Add Filter( columns( :sex ), Where( :sex == "F" ) ) )
V Scroll Box(
Size( 500 ),
<<Set Auto Stretching( 1, 1 ),
V List Box(
dt << Run Script( "Bivariate" ),
dt << Run Script( "Logistic" ),
dt << Run Script( "Distribution" )