I have a data table consisting of six variables and 2000 subjects, I can manually do the analysis I want which is to fit y by x with y = mcg/mL, x = Time point and I want it by subtype, I then want to group it by Lot Number, and fit special – I want a natural log transformation of y and not centred and I get this along with a report
which is perfect and exactly what I want, however, I would like to automate the process when I do this maually then use “current data table() get script; and modify the syntax I get Bivariate(SendToByGroup({:Subtype }), Y(:Name("HA mcg/mL")),
X(:Time point), Fit Where(:Lot Number, Fit Special(yTran("Log"),
Centered Polynomial(0)))); however the by subtype is not working, group by lot number and the transformation isn’t working, can anyone provide any advice??
Many thanks