input = "CATE_N_C1_Shotp,CATE_P_C1_Shotp,CATE_P_C1_Shotp";// input string
// Define boundary characters as _ and ,
boundaryChars = "_,";
position = 0;
wordToPosition = [=> ];
// Associative array to count word frequency
wordsToCount = [=> ];
// Match pattern in the input
rc = Pat Match(
Lowercase( input ) || boundaryChars, // pre-normalize and add sentinel at end
Pat Pos( 0 )
+ Pat Repeat(
Pat Break( boundaryChars ) >> word + Pat Span( boundaryChars ) >> sep
+ Pat Test(
position += 1;
If( Contains( wordsToCount, word ),
wordsToCount[word] = wordsToCount[word] + 1,
wordsToCount[word] = 1
If( Contains( wordToPosition, word ) & wordToPosition[word] != position,
throw("word ordering not consistent")
wordToPosition[word] = position;
if(sep==",", position = 0);
1; // explicitly, result of pattest is 'true'
+ Pat R Pos( 0 ) // The pattern must reach the end
// Identify common words (those that appear in all elements)
elements = Words( input, "," );
totalElements = N Items( elements );
commonWords = [=> ];
For Each( {{word, count}}, wordsToCount, If( count == totalElements, commonWords[word] = count ) );
// Display the common words and their counts
Show( commonWords );// commonWords = ["c1" => 3, "cate" => 3, "shotp" => 3];
Show( wordToPosition );// wordToPosition = ["c1" => 3, "cate" => 1, "n" => 2, "p" => 2, "shotp" => 4];
keys = wordToPosition << getkeys;//{"c1", "cate", "n", "p", "shotp"}
vals = wordToPosition << getvalues;// {3, 1, 2, 2, 4}
sort = Rank( vals );// [2, 3, 4, 1, 5]
keys = keys[sort];// {"cate", "n", "p", "c1", "shotp"}
vals = vals[sort];// {1, 2, 2, 3, 4}
For Each( {k}, keys, If( Contains( commonWords, k ), Show( k, commonWords[k] ) ) );
k = "cate";
commonWords[k] = 3;
k = "c1";
commonWords[k] = 3;
k = "shotp";
commonWords[k] = 3;
The throw() might alert you to one potential problem.