This solution might be over-complicated (hopefully it is at least correct). It is based on pairings created by ID and Species and "distances" between different times (distance matrix can get quite big which can slow down the calculations)
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = New Table("Untitled 37",
Add Rows(8),
New Column("ID",
Set Values({"video_1", "video_1", "video_1", "video_2", "video_2", "video_2", "video_2", "video_2"})
New Column("Species", Character(16), "Nominal", Set Values({"DuCr", "ShPe", "ShPe", "DuCr", "ShPe", "ShPe", "ShPe", "ShPe"})),
New Column("Count", Numeric, "Continuous", Format("Best", 12), Set Values([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])),
New Column("time_start",
Format("hr:m", 12),
Input Format("hr:m"),
Set Values([43200, 43200, 43500, 43200, 43200, 43200, 43260, 43320])
New Column("time_end",
Format("hr:m", 12),
Input Format("hr:m"),
Set Values([43260, 43260, 43560, 43260, 43260, 43260, 43320, 43380])
New Column("Correct", Numeric, "Continuous", Format("Best", 12), Set Values([1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 2]))
// dt:time_start << Data Type(Numeric, Format("hr:m", 30), Input Format("hr:m")) << Set Modeling Type("Continuous") << Set Field Width(12);
// dt:time_end << Data Type(Numeric, Format("hr:m", 30), Input Format("hr:m")) << Set Modeling Type("Continuous") << Set Field Width(12);
// Create Pair column with ID and Species
dt << New Column("Pairs", Character, Nominal, <<Set Each Value(:ID || :Species));
// Create matrix of time_start and time_end columns
time_m = dt[0, {"time_start", "time_end"}];
// Calculate distances between all rows
D = Distance(time_m, time_m);
// Get unique pairs
Summarize(dt, uniq_pairs = by(:Pairs));
// Create result column
dt << New Column("Overlap_count", Numeric, Continuous);
For Each Row(
dt, // loop over each row
pair_rows = Loc(dt[0, "Pairs"], :Pairs); // get pairs for current row
nearest_rows = pair_rows[Loc(D[Row(), pair_rows] <= 7200)]; // get rows which are close enough
counts = Sum(dt[nearest_rows, "Count"]); // calculate sum of Count
dt[Row(), "Overlap_count"] = counts; // set value to Overlap_count column
dt_summary = dt << Summary(
statistics column name format("column"),
Link to original data table(0)
![jthi_4-1652729758211.png jthi_4-1652729758211.png](
![jthi_5-1652729768507.png jthi_5-1652729768507.png](