See @Byron_JMP answer above
Assuming you are using Chart Builder, this task is an easy one to do.
1. Bring up the chart in chart builder
2. Go to the red triangle in Chart Builder, and select "Save Limits".
3. While keeping the Chart Builder window open, Click on the original data table to make it the active window.
4. Go to the pull down menu Rows and select
Rows=>Row Selection=>Select Where
5. The Row Selection dialog box will appear
6. Select the column your chart is based on
7. In the comparisons selection down arrow, select "is greater than"
8. In the input box, enter the Upper Control Limit from the Graph Builder output and then click on the "Add Condition" button
9. In the comparisons selection down arrow, select "is less than"
10. In the input box, enter the Lower Control Limit from the Graph Builder output and then click on the "Add Condition" button
11. Now go to the Select row down arrow box and select "if any condition is met"
12. Click on OK
In your data table, all rows that are outside of your control limits have now been selected
13. Go to one of the rows that is selected and hover over the RowState Column(the column with the row numbers)
14. Right click on the selected row, and select "Hide and Exclude"
Now if you go back to your Graph Builder window, the display has been changed to only have the rows where they are inside the control limits.