Welcome in the Community !
By default when you create a design, the factors are added with their coded levels, meaning the low level is at -1 and the high level is at +1. Of course, feel free to change the names of the factors and the values/ranges for each of them, by changing each -1 with the low value for each factor's range, and each +1 with the high value for each factor's range.
The coding done on the factors values in Design of Experiments is here for several reasons :
- to help compare different factors with various ranges size (else keeping the original values and ranges will make the comparison of effects really more difficult, if not impossible in certain cases),
- to reduce multicollinearity in models when including interactions and higher order terms (polynomials are also centered beside the -1/+1 scaling).
You can find more infos about it in the JMP Help section about Coding
Are you familiar with DoE already ?
If not, you can find a lot of interesting ressources to get started here : https://community.jmp.com/t5/Design-of-Experiments-Club/DoE-Resources/m-p/635455
Hope this answer will help you get started !
"It is not unusual for a well-designed experiment to analyze itself" (Box, Hunter and Hunter)