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Level III

Extract a value from text


Is it possible to extract the 550 value from the text below using JMP formula that i could then imbedded into script. The over all shape and number of characters will change but the expression of std Pli = will stay the same.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.





PP, PPr (don’t forget to measure standard wafer SMM PPr WAL S0782-3, "Redarect PPr new" recipe (On WE9LDIP ONLY)) and UVX all (redirect), and run on click vale for mismatch info, Final PP
std Pli = 550 average value1 = … (Run/Std = >5.00) 100 / 120 = 0.8333
DOD tap and bottom on monitor only.


Re: Extract a value from text



You can use JMP's string operations for this. Read up on Contains(), Munger(), Substr(), Word(), Words(), Right(), Left(), etc. Here I've used munger and contains to isolate the number. The num() function changes the string found, "550" into the number 550.





Names Default To Here( 1 );

txt =
"\[PP, PPr (don’t forget to measure standard wafer SMM PPr WAL S0782-3, "Redarect PPr new" recipe (On WE9LDIP ONLY)) and UVX all (redirect), and run on click vale for mismatch info, Final PP
std Pli = 550 average value1 = … (Run/Std = >5.00) 100 / 120 = 0.8333
DOD tap and bottom on monitor only.]\";

beg = Contains( txt, "std Pli = " ) + 10;
end = Contains( txt, " ", beg );
val = Num( Munger( txt, beg, end - beg ) );
Super User

Re: Extract a value from text

Many ways to do this in JMP. Here is one:

Names Default To Here(1);

str = "\[PP, PPr (don’t forget to measure standard wafer SMM PPr WAL S0782-3, "Redarect PPr new" recipe (On WE9LDIP ONLY)) and UVX all (redirect), and run on click vale for mismatch info, Final PP
std Pli = 550 average value1 = … (Run/Std = >5.00) 100 / 120 = 0.8333
DOD tap and bottom on monitor only]\";
searchString = "std Pli = ";

firstSplit = Substr(str, Contains(str, searchString) + Length(searchString));
substr_result = Substr(firstSplit, 1, Contains(firstSplit, " ") - 1);


Also if know how use regex you could use that:

regex_result = Regex(str, "(std Pli = )(\d+)", "\2");




Level III

Re: Extract a value from text

thanks a lot, all suggestions works well.