Hi @Julianveda,
Depending on the platform you're using to build the model, it can be easily accessible.
Assuming the profiler comes from the "Fit Model" platform, you can very easily (in the red triangle next to your response name) go to "Save Columns" and then "Mean Confidence Limits Formula" (and "Prediction Formula"):
If you want to re-create the Profiler with the formulas, you need to have the "Prediction Formula" and the "StdErr Pred Formula" saved in your datatable. Then, going into "Graph", "Profiler", you can use these columns to recreate your profiler (click on Yes when a window pops up asking you to use PredSE to create intervals for your response) :
I hope this answer will help you,
"It is not unusual for a well-designed experiment to analyze itself" (Box, Hunter and Hunter)