Hey everyone,
/* Using JMP 14.1.0 */
I'm using a data table with pictures from measurements on samples made in different conditions. I have about 300 lines with about a hundred columns. I added 4 columns with pictures of about 320x240 pixels ("Expression" data type). What I would like to do is, looking at individual lines, display the different images side by side.
In the graph builder, I manage to display one type of image using the option ->Column menu->Use for marker. I can see a second image when I hover on to an already displayed image using the "Label" option on a second image column. This is a little bit annoying to have to hover onto an image every time to display a second one. I have 4 types of images to display here, so how could I dipslay more ???
Could I use a dialog box to do this? I know you can display pictures there, as files, but is it possible to display pictures that are in your data table, as expressions ? I'm struggling to display variables in boxes at all, so I wouldn't know where to start with the "Expression" data type.
I guess I don't absolutely need my pictures to be embedded inside the table, (though I think it would make long-term storage simpler) I could just use the pictures from folders.
/* A commment on the side: displaying images using a marker size of 100, it is very difficult to display the label when hovering over it. Why is that ? You have to find the small dot in the middle that represents the original coordinates of the marker... I'm submitting a new idea on that topic */