Hi @FactorLevelFox5,
Welcome in the Community !
The Tukey-Kramer test is an adjusted test for multiple comparisons : "This method protects the overall significance level for the tests of all combinations of pairs."
When you define your confidence level (for example at 0,95), it is defined for ONE comparison, but not for all comparisons involved in your study. In your example, since you have 3 groups, you can have 3 possible paired comparisons : group 1 with 2, group 1 with 3 and group 2 with 3. So your overall confidence level for all comparisons will be equal to 0,95^3 = 0,857.
That means that without p-values adjustment techniques, like Bonferroni or Tukey-Kramer, your overall confidence level will be around 0,86, so you might expect a lot more false positive than considered (14% risk instead of 5%).
With adjustment techniques, the calculations are a little different, so you might expect higher p-values (vs. non-adjusted tests), because it takes into account the total number of comparisons you're doing, and the adjustment is here to minimize the risk of finding a statistical difference between groups when there is none.
Hope this clarify the difference found,
"It is not unusual for a well-designed experiment to analyze itself" (Box, Hunter and Hunter)