I have a table and producing different graphs but each graph needs to be data filtered differently. What I am experiencing is the first Data Filter won't change and will overwrite the following data filter which means I only can use 1 Data Filter script for multiple reports. Should I write a "clear row states" before each new Dat Filter? The blow example consist of 2 Data Filters but whatever I do the second Data Filter is ignored by JMP, only and always the first one is valid.
Could anyone share his/her experiences/solutions?
Thank you
dt_master = Open( "AccomodationBudget.jmp" );
Open( "AgencyStayREALDATAfin.jmp" );
//Summary REALDATA
Data Table( "AgencyStayREALDATAfin.jmp" ) << Summary(
Group( :Label, :Month, :Contract, :Room Type ),
Mean( :RoomDiscount% ),
Sum( :NetRoomRevenueWithOutVat ),
Sum( :RoomNight ),
Sum( :AdultNight ),
Sum( :BrutRoomRevenue ),
Sum( :RoomDiscount ),
statistics column name format( "column" ),
Link to original data table( 0 )
Data Table( "AccomodationBudget.jmp" ) << Concatenate(
Data Table( "AgencyStayREALDATAfin By (Label, Month, Contract, Room Type).jmp" ),
Keep Formulas,
Append to first table
Current Data Table() << Data Filter(
Location( {324, 0} ),
Mode( Select( 0 ), Include( 1 ) ),
Add Filter( columns( :Label ), Where( :Label == {"Budget", "2015"} ), Display( :Label, Size( 102, 59 ), Check Box Display ) )
//Double Occupancy Performance by Month
Graph Builder(
Size( 1263, 871 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Legend Position( "Right" ),
Auto Stretching( 0 ),
Title Fill Color( "Light Blue" ),
Title Frame Color( "Medium Dark Gray" ),
Level Fill Color( {174, 203, 228} ),
Level Frame Color( "Medium Dark Gray" ),
Level Underline( 1 ),
Variables( X( :Month ), Y( :RoomNight ), Y( :RoomNight ), Overlay( :Label ) ),
Position( 1, 1 ),
Bar( X, Y, Legend( 3 ), Bar Style( "Single" ), Summary Statistic( "Sum" ), Label( "Value" ) ),
Caption Box( X, Y, Legend( 6 ), Summary Statistic( "Sum" ), X Position( "Right" ), Y Position( "Top" ) )
Position( 1, 2 ),
Bar( X, Y, Legend( 5 ), Bar Style( "Single" ), Summary Statistic( "% of Total" ), Label( "Value" ) ),
Caption Box( X, Y, Legend( 7 ), Summary Statistic( "% of Total" ), X Position( "Right" ), Y Position( "Top" ) )
Dispatch( {}, "Graph Builder", OutlineBox, {Set Title( "Room Night Performance by Month [Budget vs 2015]" )} ),
{Min( -0.5 ), Max( 6.5 ), Inc( 1 ), Minor Ticks( 1 ), Show Minor Grid( 1 ), Inside Ticks( 1 ), Rotated Labels( "Horizontal" )}
Dispatch( {}, "RoomNight", ScaleBox, {Show Major Grid( 1 ), Show Minor Grid( 1 ), Inside Ticks( 1 )} ),
ScaleBox( 2 ),
{Format( "Percent", Use thousands separator( 0 ), 12, 2 ), Max( 0.4 ), Show Major Grid( 1 ), Show Minor Grid( 1 ), Inside Ticks( 1 )}
{Legend Model(
Properties( 0, {Line Color( -4222675 ), Fill Color( -4222675 )} ),
Properties( 1, {Line Color( -13647958 ), Fill Color( -13647958 )} ),
Properties( 2, {Line Color( -2994485 ), Fill Color( -2994485 )} )
Dispatch( {}, "graph title", TextEditBox, {Set Text( "" )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "Y title", TextEditBox, {Set Text( "" )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "", AxisBox( 2 ), {Add Axis Label( "RoomNight Sum by Month" ), Add Axis Label( "Ay Bazinda Toplam Gece Konaklama " )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "Graph Builder", FrameBox, {Left( 1 ), Right( 1 ), Top( 1 ), Bottom( 1 )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "Y 1 title", TextEditBox, {Set Text( "% of Total RoomNight By Month" )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "", AxisBox( 3 ), {Add Axis Label( "Ay Bazinda Toplam Gece Konaklama Yüzdesel Dagilimi" )} ),
"Ay Bazinda Toplam Gece Konaklama Yüzdesel Dagilimi",
{Set Text( "Ay Bazinda Gece Konaklama Yüzdesel Dagilimi" )}
Current Data Table() << Data Filter(
Location( {437, 0} ),
Mode( Select( 0 ), Include( 1 ) ),
Add Filter( columns( :Label ), Where( :Label == {"Budget", "2015", "2014"} ), Display( :Label, Size( 102, 59 ), Check Box Display ) )
//Double Occupancy Performance by Market Code
Graph Builder(
Size( 1263, 629 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Title Fill Color( "Light Blue" ),
Title Frame Color( "Medium Dark Gray" ),
Level Fill Color( {174, 203, 228} ),
Level Frame Color( "Medium Dark Gray" ),
Level Underline( 1 ),
Variables( X( :Contract ), Y( :DoubleOcc ), Overlay( :Label ) ),
Elements( Bar( X, Y, Legend( 2 ), Bar Style( "Single" ), Summary Statistic( "Mean" ), Label( "Value" ) ) ),
Dispatch( {}, "Contract", ScaleBox, {Show Minor Grid( 1 ), Inside Ticks( 1 )} ),
{Min( 1.39439277722467 ), Max( 2.4 ), Inc( 0.2 ), Minor Ticks( 1 ), Show Major Grid( 1 ), Show Minor Grid( 1 ), Inside Ticks( 1 )}