Hello! I've been teaching logistic regression with the Universal Bank data set for years but am getting different results this semester. The target variable, Personal Loan, has value ordering on it to specify that "Yes" is the class of interest. In the past, this was necessary to get the parameter estimates to show up relative to the "Yes" class. For instance, Income has a positive relationship to loan acceptance so it should have a positive coefficient. However, this semester, the parameter estimates are being displayed relative to the "No" class, which seems backwards compared to the value ordering. If I remove the value ordering property from Personal Loan, then the model results show up relative to the "Yes" class. Did something change in JMP 16? My specific version is JMP® Pro 16.1.0 (539038). Below are some screen shots of a simple example to show what's happening. Thanks!
Value ordering on the target variable:
Relationship of Income to Personal Loan:
Simple model fit with Value Ordering:
Simple model fit after removing Value Ordering: