I have a for loop for calling formulas from a file.
The loop works fine but when I try removing the formula and maintaining the created values using
<<delete formula
<<delete property(formula);
the formula is removed but the values are all gone as well.
This happens for both JMP 11 and 14.
can you please help?
formula_table = Open( formula table adress, Worksheets( "Formulas" ), Invisible );
//open data table
For( i = 1, i <= N Rows( formula_table ), i += 1,
col = data << New Column( formula_table:Column Name[i]/*, Eval( formula_table:Type[i] )*/ );
formula_table:Type[i] == "Character", col << Data Type( Character ),
formula_table:Type[i] == "Numeric", col << Data Type( Numeric )
a = Concat( formula_table:Formula[i] );
a = Parse( a );
col << Formula( a ); // sets formula
col << delete formula;//doesn't work as described above
Close( formula_table, NoSave );