Hi @statman, thanks for your explanation. I appreciate your patience and detailed response.
Here are the answers to your questions, along with follow-ups that I have:
I have the following thoughts:
Q1) An important question regarding your "runs", are these repeats or are they replicates?
A1) Based on your explanation, they are repeats. I did not change any of the treatments for each trial within each run/treatment.
Q2) It appears they are repeats as you have one SN ratio for each treatment. Therefore you have 26 degrees of freedom total; 8 for your main effects (4 linear, 4 quadratic) and 18 for higher order effects. 2-factor interactions "require" 4 degrees of freedom each, so you do not have enough DF's.
A2.1) Ok, this is where I made a mistake. I assumed that each trial within each run contributed to the DF (27 runs * 3 repeats each per run -1 = 80 degrees of freedom). However, I'm not too familiar with with SN ratio; this was something that was auto-generated when I created the Taguchi design in JMP.
A2.2) If my understanding from my last statement is correct, and I only have 26 degrees of freedom, and am in need of 6 more degrees of freedom. Would a way to see these other effects be to complete an F-test on the original data set in Effect Tests, see which factors are significant, and then create another Taguchi design comparing only the factors/interactions that were significant in the original dataset plus the factors that you couldn't see in the original because I didn't have enough DFs? For example, say factor B is insignificant. Then, you know that factor B cross factor C would also be insignificant, so you would want to get rid of it in a new design as it is eating up precious DF?
A couple of questions about the data table:
Q1) The mean of the three runs does not correspond to the mean column in your data table? What data was used to calculate the means? Your formula is just calculating the mean of run 1 and 3?
A1) This is an error on my end; it stemmed from the fact that I inserted a column for the run 2 without also updating the mean column. I assumed that the mean column would automatically update to take the average of runs 1, 2, 3 without me changing that column's settings.
Q2) Your equation for SN ratio appears to be the standard deviation of runs 1&3? This not the correct formula for SN ratio (per Taguchi)? If the target value of the response variable is Larger or Smaller is better, then just use the Standard deviation. If you are trying to hit a target nominal, then there is a different equation. What is the target for the response?
A2) This is probably a carry-over error from not getting the correct mean above.
Q3) You have an unusual range of data from the 3 runs for treatment (3 2 3 3, levels corresponding to factors in order of your table)?
A3) I'm not sure what you meant by this. Can you rephrase?
Q4) If you take your design and go to DOE>Design Diagnostics>Evaluate Design, you may be able to figure out what the appropriate model is? Here is a color map of correlations.
A4) By this, I'm guessing you're talking about whether to use discrete or continuous variables, and what type of regression to use?
Q5) I don't see the outer array? One of the most significant contributions of Taguchi was to experiment on controllable factors over a factorial of noise factors. The SN ratio was meant to be calculated over the data collected from the repeated runs over the factorial of noise (outer array).
A5) Based on this link - https://www.jmp.com/support/help/en/16.2/index.shtml#page/jmp/factors-8.shtml# - I'm pretty sure I only have signal factors. I am able to control all of the inputs. Therefore, would I still need an outer array?
Thank you for your help!