I am facing the following problem:
I have a bunch of factors that are ingredients of a solution:
Ingredient A (2 - 20%)
Ingredient B (0 - 4%)
Ingredient C (5 - 20%)
whereas behind Ingredient B and C a selection of categorial Ingredients exists.
Further, I have several process factors:
Pressure 200 - 400
Runs 2 - 4
Aim of that DOE is to find out which is the best formulation with corresponding process factors with highest stability and lowest costs
At first, I though about a standard Screening Model, with subsequent RSM:
Ingredient A - continious
Amount Ingredient B - continious
Selection of Ingredients B - 4 step categoric
Amount of Ingreident C - continious
Selection of Ingredient C - 2 step categoric
Pressure - continious
Runs - continious
with a screening model maybe a selection of Ingredient B and C could be eliminated, before proceeding with RSM
Second, I thought about the following setup:
Ingredient A - mixture
Ingredient B - mixture
Ingredient C - mixture
Selection of Ingredient B - categoric 4 step
Selection of Ingredient C - categoric 2 step
Pressure - continious
Runs - continious
I am wondering, if I am with teh second design as flexible as with the first design in terms of augment designs...
Further, I am wondering how I can analyse interacttions of Pressure, Runs, selection of Ingredient B and Selection of Ingredient C with the mixture?
Thank you,