Hi, pankajsync!
Yes, I was able to look at it.
Finding the VGS value relating to the IDS value closest to 1e-9 is pretty trivial. Set up a loss function column that takes the absolute value of log10(IDS)+9, and then identify the Col Minimum of that value by Site, Measurement, SWP, Device, Wafer. The VGS corresponding to those loss value minimums will be your inexact Vth.
But none of the IDS values are exactly 1e-9, and some of the "closest" IDS values are quite distant from 1e-9, so please explain in more detail what procedure and result you intend to happen when you use the word "interpolate". Do you mean a prediction of Vth if the IDS would be exactly 1e-9? Using a linear model? Does every unique Site, Measurement, SWP, Device, Wafer combination require this procedure irrespective of how far the IDS value is from 1e-9?
Perhaps, in addition to answering these questions, you could share what approaches you have unsuccessfully tried already? Personally, I would consider writing a JSL script to do this because it seems like your application may benefit from some error checking and verifying initial data boundary conditions, but some of the denizens of this Discussion site are Formula Jedi that seriously impress me with their skills, and they might have a solution if you must have a formula. If I anticipate your answers correctly, I don't think I will however.