Here is a script that creates a data table, with an embedded script. Just select the rows(Samples) you want graphed, and then click on the embedded script and run it.
New Table( "Sample Data Table",
Add Rows( 10 ),
New Script(
"Graph Selected Samples",
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Current Data Table();
dttemp = dt << subset(
selected columns( 0 ),
selected rows( 1 ),
dtstacked = dttemp << Stack(
:Name( " C1 NAP" ),
:C2 NAP,
:C3 NAP,
:C4 NAP,
:C1 FLU,
:C2 FLU,
:C3 FLU,
:Name( "PHE/ANT" ),
:Name( "C1 PHE/ANT" ),
:Name( "C2 PHE/ANT" ),
:Name( "C3 PHE/ANT" ),
:Name( "C4 PHE/ANT" ),
:C1 DBT,
:C2 DBT,
:C3 DBT,
:C4 DBT,
:Name( "FLRN/PYR" ),
:Name( "C1 FLRN/PYR" ),
:Name( "C2 FLRN/PYR" ),
:Name( "C3 FLRN/PYR" ),
:Name( "C4 FLRN/PYR" ),
:Name( "BaA/CHR" ),
:Name( "C1 BaA/CHR" ),
:Name( "C2 BaA/CHR" ),
:Name( "C3 BaA/CHR" ),
:Name( "C4 BaA/CHR" )
Source Label Column( "Chemical Compound" ),
Stacked Data Column( "Data" )
Close( dttemp, nosave );
dtstacked:Chemical Compound << set property( "Row Order Levels", 1 );
gb = dtstacked << Graph Builder(
Size( 534, 1464 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Variables( X( :Chemical Compound ), Y( :Data ), Page( :Sample ) ),
Elements( Bar( X, Y, Legend( 6 ) ) ),
{Legend Model( 6, Properties( 0, {Fill Color( 45 )} ) )}
Dispatch( {}, "400", LegendBox, {Set Title( "" )} )
gb << on close( Close( dtstacked, nosave ) );
New Column( "Sample",
Format( "Best", 12 ),
Set Values( [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] )
New Column( "NAP",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.002, 0.0302537593550514, 0.0466926784946118, 0.0448445924471598,
0.0478487853344995, 0.0154921119890641, 0.0365249534228351,
0.00493989895819686, 0.0235698992158286, 0.0381656375704333]
New Column( " C1 NAP",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.019, 0.00774147778982297, 0.029915005012881, 0.0468929482218809,
0.0092733804017771, 0.036089365969412, 0.00376344798482023,
0.00380945356236771, 0.00193938017473556, 0.0489603107678704]
New Column( "C2 NAP",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.08, 0.0270089123100042, 0.0226710953088477, 0.0259517372348346,
0.0184357883431949, 0.0128242306013126, 0.00318159612896852,
0.0317445193028543, 0.0380520822689868, 0.0067287613407243]
New Column( "C3 NAP",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.115, 0.0283634321223944, 0.0348076855710242, 0.0318920150578488,
0.0173453791385982, 0.0222847076184116, 0.0346989600521047,
0.0143180883196183, 0.0327768972115591, 0.0222957084132358]
New Column( "C4 NAP",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.09, 0.00166843675868586, 0.0287732524415478, 0.0219370269028004,
0.0127755957059562, 0.0223023804044351, 0.0351790483894292,
0.0249330674058292, 0.020071810176596, 0.0424596724130679]
New Column( "FLU",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.003, 0.0138887988573406, 0.038354084254941, 0.0252995605911128,
0.0154636751729995, 0.0433928036768921, 0.0134715204646345,
0.0445313894778956, 0.0290542597356252, 0.0141719027855434]
New Column( "C1 FLU",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.018, 0.0293069139991421, 0.0256769686636981, 0.00826683883252553,
0.0171085286648013, 0.0204629610797856, 0.00341956458706409,
0.0313640460087918, 0.0480407851564232, 0.0340318603476044]
New Column( "C2 FLU",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.038, 0.0330850324584171, 0.0437534969407134, 0.0109815957569517,
0.00449292429722846, 0.0132446803962812, 0.0386687645141501,
0.0415801736263093, 0.034111307727173, 0.00602988170552999]
New Column( "C3 FLU",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.082, 0.0477887129648589, 0.0355156372459605, 0.041393784352811,
0.015643085104879, 0.00226023636339232, 0.0251587821198627,
0.0304925097427331, 0.0429695688353386, 0.0474338214022573]
New Column( "PHE/ANT",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.01, 0.0427148100999184, 0.0202775471704081, 0.0149288747075479,
0.00559148345608264, 0.0421801740452647, 0.0240726777378004,
0.0209547791823279, 0.0244350242365617, 0.0497362994323485]
New Column( "C1 PHE/ANT",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.039, 0.00280673243640922, 0.0199594784926157, 0.0329235823897179,
0.01066317764204, 0.0144819677001797, 0.00979254531022161,
0.0220209252389614, 0.038684288996039, 0.0127347022991162]
New Column( "C2 PHE/ANT",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.06, 0.0486931873387657, 0.0215076145802159, 0.0244833285761997,
0.0286523971226998, 0.0172093356093392, 0.0289594860547222,
0.0275001738960855, 0.0266731308130547, 0.0466893218264449]
New Column( "C3 PHE/ANT",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.069, 0.0446601634738035, 0.0138321250828449, 0.0425168035281822,
0.0366099622820038, 0.0274317172830924, 0.0353664513374679,
0.00111495549138635, 0.0135933586545289, 0.00108291531680152]
New Column( "C4 PHE/ANT",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.031, 0.0144599841590971, 0.009610575562343, 0.0302202351707965,
0.0212843791709747, 0.0115216388173867, 0.0468299421959091,
0.00549429435911588, 0.0363094289952423, 0.0336387161160819]
New Column( "DBT",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.003, 0.0333379577584565, 0.00272550118085928, 0.0372126542304177,
0.00271068549877964, 0.0312318569093477, 0.00354533990845084,
0.0220444895469118, 0.021050514069153, 0.0383053797436878]
New Column( "C1 DBT",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.033, 0.0116053564054891, 0.0124466585058253, 0.0438335321764462,
0.00124102681153454, 0.044037665597396, 0.0495759285241365,
0.0475604402602185, 0.0456430103564635, 0.0310628124901559]
New Column( "C2 DBT",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.087, 0.0159295270822477, 0.0102833600859158, 0.0239058316384908,
0.0178571299198084, 0.0348719786126167, 0.00821598792239092,
0.00843277889839373, 0.0452348746119533, 0.01068949145847]
New Column( "C3 DBT",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[., 0.00672533513652161, 0.013112988761859, 0.0330644477382302,
0.0482545678631868, 0.0133067361686844, 0.0265975029869005,
0.0381060357526876, 0.0430836911720689, 0.049541658553062]
New Column( "C4 DBT",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.034, 0.0058728216253221, 0.0217233841579873, 0.0402756876784842,
0.0313993025359232, 0.029122445494635, 0.0155939766000956,
0.0420744900063146, 0.0285329493524041, 0.0489617482072208]
New Column( "FLRN/PYR",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.001, 0.0345496558696032, 0.0321322070148308, 0.0267007229174487,
0.0259779584354255, 0.0283408940385561, 0.0373562634971458,
0.0393744796728715, 0.0145546169539448, 0.0282392732428852]
New Column( "C1 FLRN/PYR",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.01, 0.0409959553205408, 0.0325308263734914, 0.049760709581431,
0.0423577155969106, 0.0143415241884068, 0.0192488916243892,
0.0224930502227508, 0.0348894201670773, 0.0425700373509899]
New Column( "C2 FLRN/PYR",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.019, 0.00380003489204682, 0.0340351563671138, 0.0209355363992509,
0.0493748148838058, 0.0330725406832062, 0.0281902657279279,
0.015132855331758, 0.00606476198509335, 0.026483667955501]
New Column( "C3 FLRN/PYR",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.041, 0.0477709266166203, 0.0290582531234249, 0.0284437057543546,
0.0460180501651484, 0.0212978765433654, 0.00925033876067028,
0.0150167961854022, 0.00671246657753363, 0.0208397668299731]
New Column( "C4 FLRN/PYR",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.03, 0.0333795196467545, 0.0334625377673656, 0.0027455012050923,
0.0280089165221434, 0.0129167727059685, 0.0241117861049715,
0.00186966460011899, 0.0295675685461611, 0.0391173240377102]
New Column( "BaA/CHR",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.005, 0.0472474740443286, 0.0311875404128805, 0.0246964252435137,
0.0193766511015128, 0.0417157581949141, 0.037641080430476,
0.0216226827097125, 0.0370904210142326, 0.00173414511815645]
New Column( "C1 BaA/CHR",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.008, 0.0445609674151055, 0.00482703192089684, 0.00970582901337184,
0.0416694305497222, 0.00920417479611933, 0.0252414871286601,
0.0213213407513686, 0.0301611067913473, 0.0423710284563713]
New Column( "C2 BaA/CHR",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.026, 0.0127562464796938, 0.00709548401203938, 0.0126328233701643,
0.0460777241429314, 0.0249449488269165, 0.0261664025301579,
0.0219898488600738, 0.0486704192098696, 0.0349820018485188]
New Column( "C3 BaA/CHR",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.01, 0.0036289812636096, 0.0457750377375633, 0.00400210773036815,
0.0182483235485852, 0.00714060053229332, 0.0418625881380867,
0.00615676692244597, 0.0475078795051668, 0.026821686824318]
New Column( "C4 BaA/CHR",
Format( "Percent", 7, 2 ),
Set Values(
[0.004, 0.0381506804318633, 0.0201645611631684, 0.0330415739305317,
0.0110197423135396, 0.0322338481522165, 0.0153273207338061,
0.0281656794969458, 0.0119208308472298, 0.0111531151456293]
Here is some sample output from the script
![sample selection script output.png sample selection script output.png](
This simple script will handle up to 100 Samples. That limitation can easily be overcome. Additionally, the grid lines you had in your sample can be added. The script would just have to become a little smarter to do that.
But you were looking just for the posibility that JMP could do what you want, and I think this clearly shows you that it can.