I have a script that tracks progress of tasks through multiple phases. One of the things being calculated is how many task are in a given phase. I attached the table I'm working with. I want to count the number of times Currrent is listed in any column and create a list like this:
Phase | NCs |
Started | # |
Initial Data Collection | # |
etc. |
where the number in the NCs column is the number of times Current was listed in the corresonding column.
count = Col Number(If( :Name( "Report Writing (Form 1 No Eval Date)" )=="Current",1, . ));
My current idea is to delete all values that aren't Current and then use Col Number function, but I can't figure out how to clear values from only certain cells.
count = Col Number(If( :Name( "Report Writing (Form 1 No Eval Date)" )=="Current",1, . ));