I have been able to do the first part (copy) but I am struggling with the second (multiply) part. Any direction is appricated. My example script is below.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
bcdt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA\Big Class.jmp", invisible ); //load a data-table
myNewdt = New Table( "Parameters Table", //create a new data-table
Add Rows(8),
New Column( "Parameter" ),
New Column( "H", Numeric),
New Column( "W" ),
Column(myNewdt, "Parameter")[1] = "A";
Column(myNewdt, "Parameter")[2] = "B";
Column(myNewdt, "Parameter")[3] = "C";
Column(myNewdt, "Parameter")[4] = "D";
Column(myNewdt, "Parameter")[5] = "E";
Column(myNewdt, "Parameter")[6] = "F";
Column(myNewdt, "Parameter")[7] = "G";
Column(myNewdt, "Parameter")[8] ="I";
vals = Column(bcdt, "height")[4::11]; //get the values to be copied. Note data type becomes "character"
//show (vals);
For( i = 1, i <= N Items(Vals), i++, //copy values
:H[i] = vals[i]
The above script copies the values in column "height" of data file bcdt to column "H" of another data file myNewdt. However, I want for e.g. the 9th and 10th row entries in column "height" of bcdt to be multiplied by a constant number, say 0.0001 and pass it on to the same rows (9th & 10th) of column "H" of the other data file myNewdt. The other row values are to be copied unmodified. How to achieve this?
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