I am using JMP 12.
I just want copy five csv files with different name from A folder and save it in B folder.
The A folder contains many csv files.
Using Copy File function (as below), I can only copy one file at a time.
I need to write below script five time to copy all five files
Copy File( "C:\A\data1.csv", "C:\B\data1.csv" );
Copy File( "C:\A\data2.csv", "C:\B\data2.csv" );
Copy File( "C:\A\data3.csv", "C:\B\data3.csv" );
Copy File( "C:\A\data4.csv", "C:\B\data4.csv" );
Copy File( "C:\A\data5.csv", "C:\B\data5.csv" );
Is there a way to copy multiples files using one Copy File function?
or, is there other function/script that I can use to achieve this objective?
Thank you for your help.