Hi Everyone, I'm trying to make my inquiry a bit more specific and JMP-focused. From the following R-code generated from the accompanied data, can someone explain to me the logic for what R is doing in creating these new variables from the raw data? I intend to reproduce these new variables on the raw data in JMP using column formulas. Specifically, this line 23 to line 114 of the attached R-code: abcd_discrimination/demographics_baseline_clean.R at main · barzilab1/abcd_discrimination · GitHub
########### sex
#convert the NIH sex at birth (equal to demo_sex_v2)
demographics_set[, sex_br := (sex == "F")*1]
demographics_set[,demo_sex_v2 := NULL]
########### age
#interview age will be used instead of age
demographics_set[, age := as.numeric(as.character(interview_age))]
########### gender
demographics_set[,gender := as.numeric(as.character(demo_gender_id_v2))]
demographics_set[(gender %in% c(777,999)) ,gender := NA]
demographics_set[, gender:= gender-1]
demographics_set[, demo_gender_id_v2:= NULL]
########### ethnicity
demographics_set[demo_ethn_v2 == "1", ethnicity_hisp := 1]
demographics_set[demo_ethn_v2 == "2", ethnicity_hisp := 0]
demographics_set[(demo_ethn_v2 %in% c(777,999)), ethnicity_hisp:= NA]
demographics_set = demographics_set[, demo_ethn_v2 := NULL]
########### child race
#"refuse to answer" and "dont know" will be 0
# White
demographics_set[, race_white:= (demo_race_a_p___10 == "1")*1 ]
# Black
demographics_set[, race_black:= (demo_race_a_p___11 == "1")*1 ]
# Asian
demographics_set[, race_asian:= 0]
demographics_set[ (demo_race_a_p___18 == "1" | demo_race_a_p___19 == "1" | demo_race_a_p___20 == "1" |
demo_race_a_p___21 == "1" | demo_race_a_p___22 == "1" | demo_race_a_p___23 == "1" |
demo_race_a_p___24 =="1"), race_asian:= 1 ]
# AIAN: American Indian and Alaska Native
demographics_set[, race_aian:= 0]
demographics_set[ (demo_race_a_p___12 == "1" | demo_race_a_p___13 == "1"), race_aian:=1 ]
#NHPI: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific
demographics_set[, race_nhpi:= 0]
demographics_set[ demo_race_a_p___14 == "1" | demo_race_a_p___15 == "1" | demo_race_a_p___16 == "1" |
demo_race_a_p___17 == "1", race_nhpi:= 1 ]
# Other
demographics_set[, race_other:= 0 ]
demographics_set[ demo_race_a_p___25 == "1", race_other:= 1 ]
# Mixed
demographics_set[, race_mixed:= (race_white + race_black + race_asian + race_aian + race_nhpi + race_other)]
demographics_set[, table(race_mixed, useNA = "if")]
demographics_set[ race_mixed <= 1, race_mixed:= 0]
demographics_set[ race_mixed > 1, race_mixed:= 1]
demographics_set[, table(race_mixed, useNA = "if")]
demographics_set[,colnames(demographics_set)[(grepl("^demo_race_a_p___",colnames(demographics_set)))] := NULL]
########### child's country of birth
demographics_set[, born_in_usa := 0]
demographics_set[demo_origin_v2 %in% c(777,999), born_in_usa := NA]
demographics_set[demo_origin_v2 == 189, born_in_usa := 1]
########### parents education
demographics_set[(demo_prnt_ed_v2 %in% c(777,999)), demo_prnt_ed_v2:= NA]
demographics_set[(demo_prtnr_ed_v2 %in% c(777,999)), demo_prtnr_ed_v2:= NA]
demographics_set[, parents_avg_edu:= (as.numeric(as.character(demo_prnt_ed_v2)) + as.numeric(as.character(demo_prtnr_ed_v2)))/2]
#in case of edu is missing in one of the parents, it will be the edu the of other parent
demographics_set[is.na(parents_avg_edu), parents_avg_edu:= as.numeric(as.character(demo_prnt_ed_v2))]
demographics_set[is.na(parents_avg_edu), parents_avg_edu:= as.numeric(as.character(demo_prtnr_ed_v2))]
########### family income
demographics_set[,household_income:= demo_comb_income_v2]
demographics_set[( household_income %in% c(777,999)) ,household_income:= NA]
demographics_set[,demo_comb_income_v2 := NULL]
########### parents married status
demographics_set[demo_prnt_marital_v2 == 777 , demo_prnt_marital_v2:= NA]
demographics_set[,separated_or_divorced := 0]
demographics_set[(demo_prnt_marital_v2 %in% c(3,4)), separated_or_divorced := 1]
demographics_set[,parents_married := 0]
demographics_set[(demo_prnt_marital_v2 == 1), parents_married := 1]
demographics_set = droplevels(demographics_set)