I'm having trouble understanding JMP's coding of a simple 2-level factorial design. The (-1,1) levels of the coding table created by Fit Model (Standard Least Squares, Effect Screening) appear reversed from the design table Pattern and associated column Value Orders.
I've attached an example design with factor levels named to keep track of low and high levels (Full Three factors are character/nominal and the one is numeric/nominal just to see if it is treated differently. The design pattern column correctly identifies the levels, and the Value Order property for each column is also correct. So far so good...
After fitting a main effects model, the levels of the coding table are reversed. I've attached the result with the original pattern column pasted in for reference (Coding I know that the model will be mathematically correct with signs reversed but I find it to be a nuisance in practice, especially on larger and more complex fractional designs where I often use coded levels for diagnostics, exporting to other software, etc.
I note the coding attribute in the data table is inaccessible for nominal column types. Why is that? I can reverse the column value orders to code correctly but then, of course, plotting levels are reversed. Am I missing something obvious here? I've looked at documentation and other threads before posting.
Thanks for any insights -
- Tom