I rather suspect there's something wrong with the Control Chart Builder.
When I try to create a IR chart through the Control Chart Builder, JMP tells me that at least 1 sample has sample size > 1, hence can't create IR, has to make XBar (and consequently doesn't allow me to change back to individual and moving range)
When I try to create a XBar chart through the Legacy Control Chart menu, JMP tells me that no sample has sample size > 1, hence it can't create XBar, has to make IR.
What now? Does any of my sample has sample size >1 or not? Control Chart Builder platform says yes, Legacy Control chart platform says no. That's a bug!
Simple as that.
My guess: Control Chart Builder can't read it's own date-time format. Sets all h:min:s behind the date to 00:00:00 and then, yes, plenty of observations at the same time (=day/date). JMP needs to fix this