Dear @Victor_G
I have noticed that the BAD data were marked as "continuous". I have now changed it to "nominal" and the problem is now solved. Thank you for your support.
Regarding my second question, I understand that the bootstrap forest model is built to predict whether a customer is a bad credit risk.
In the Example of Bootstrap Forest with a Categorical Response as seen on the below link, three reports were produced and interpreted that I quote below.
- Overall Statistics Report
“The Overall report shows that the misclassification rates for the Validation and Test sets are about 11.4% and 9.9%, respectively. The confusion matrices suggest that the largest source of misclassification is the classification of bad risk customers as good risks.
The results for the Test set give you an indication of how well your model extends to independent observations. The Validation set was used in selecting the Bootstrap Forest model. For this reason, the results for the Validation set give a biased indication of how the model generalizes to independent data.”
- Column Contribution Report
[You are interested in determining which predictors contributed the most to your model.]
“The Column Contributions report suggests that the strongest predictor of a customer’s credit risk is DEBTINC, which is the debt to income ratio. The next highest contributors to the model are DELINQ, the number of delinquent credit lines, and VALUE, the assessed value of the customer.”
- Missing Values Report
“The DEBTINC column contains 1267 missing values, which amounts to about 21% of the observations. Most other columns involved in the Bootstrap Forest analysis also contain missing values. The Informative Missing option in the launch window ensures that the missing values are treated in a way that acknowledges any information that they carry.”
However, I struggle to understand how do the results of the above three reports can be used to predict whether a customer is a bad credit risk.