I'm using JMP 15.2.0 version on Windows Server 2012 and have Python 3.7.3 installed (without Anaconda) with below paths in Python sys.path.
['', 'C:\\Python37-32\\python37.zip', 'C:\\Python37-32\\DLLs', 'C:\\Python37-32\\lib', 'C:\\Python37-32', 'C:\\Python37-32\\lib\\site-packages']
However I get errors when trying to run examples from the scripting index. For the Python Init example,
Names Default To Here( 1 );
Python Init(Use Python Version("3.7"), Python sys path("C:\Python37-32\python.exe"));
Python Submit( "\[
str = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';
]\" );
getStr = Python Get( str );
Show( getStr );
Python Term();
I get below errors
An installation of Python cannot be found on this system. JMP Python support requires Python version 3.0 or higher. in access or evaluation of 'Python Init' , Python Init/*###*/(Use Python Version( "3.7" ),
Python sys path( "C:\Python37-32\python.exe" ))
at line 2 in Scripting Index
Can someone point me what I'm missing?