Feb 13, 2023 08:23 AM
| Last Modified: Jun 8, 2023 9:36 AM(1091 views)
I have a somewhat strange need, though I think it might actually be possible to achieve even without JSL. What I want is to transform certain columns based on a column property, specifically text. "If column has the following text: XYZ, then carry out this formula, else do nothing." I know how to do "if/then" formulas but is there a scripting syntax to only modify columns with certain properties? I have many columns, or else I'd simply do it manually!
Here is the general structure of what you need to do....
names default to here(1);
dt=current data table();
colNames = dt << get column names(string);
for each({Name}, colNames,
for each row(
column(name)[row()] = ???????????; // your formula here
Thanks. Should have clarified. I am referring to the text in the column name rather than the actual data in the table’s cells. So: “if column name includes xyz, then do this transformation.”
Here is the general structure of what you need to do....
names default to here(1);
dt=current data table();
colNames = dt << get column names(string);
for each({Name}, colNames,
for each row(
column(name)[row()] = ???????????; // your formula here