Hi @switzal87,
The following will concatenate the last 5 tables opened:
Data Table(N Table()) << Concatenate(
Data Table( N Table()-1 ),
Data Table( N Table()-2 ),
Data Table( N Table()-3 ),
Data Table( N Table()-4 ),
Create source column
This works because Data Table(number) refers to a specific table, N Table() returns the number of data tables open in JMP, data tables are numbered based on when they are opened, thus Data Table(N Table()) returns the last table, and subtracting k from N Table() returns the table opened k tables ago. You could generalize this by writing a loop to generate the concatenation code, but if you're always pulling 5 tables this is a pretty easy way to combine them.
I hope this helps!
edit: Here is a generalized version for any number of tables:
for(k=1,k<=4,k++,InsertInto(tableList,Data Table( N Table()-k )));
Data Table(N Table()) << Concatenate(tableList,Create source column);